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A Accomplished supplier providing sports flooring and vinyl flooring in Saudi Arabia. A International Brand since 1962.
Interviewed by Muqawiloon
Industry Leader
Year of establishment 1962
Contact Khalid...
Founded in 1962, Plastex is an independent, second generation, family run business with US and UK production sites. Originating in the UK as a general plastic extrusion manufacturer, the company began to specialize in the design and manufacture of its own products in the early 1970s and consequently established the Strapping and Matting divisions of Plastex Extruders Limited.
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
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A Accomplished supplier providing sports flooring and vinyl flooring in Saudi Arabia. A International Brand since 1962.
Interviewed by Muqawiloon
Industry Leader
Year of establishment 1962
Contact Khalid...
Founded in 1962, Plastex is an independent, second generation, family run business with US and UK production sites. Originating in the UK as a general plastic extrusion manufacturer, the company began to specialize in the design and manufacture of its own products in the early 1970s and consequently established the Strapping and Matting divisions of Plastex Extruders Limited.
A Accomplished supplier providing sports flooring and vinyl flooring in Saudi Arabia. A International Brand since 1962.
Interviewed by Muqawiloon
Industry Leader
Year of establishment 1962
Contact Khalid...
Founded in 1962, Plastex is an independent, second generation, family run business with US and UK production sites. Originating in the UK as a general plastic extrusion manufacturer, the company began to specialize in the design and manufacture of its own products in the early 1970s and consequently established the Strapping and Matting divisions of Plastex Extruders Limited.
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
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Anas Bin Malek Road - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
842.64 km
Anas Bin Malek Road - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
842.64 km
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Weekdays (Sunday - Thursday)
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.