Last updated 21 days ago
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A contractor based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Managing Large size projects Nationally. Provides services including commercial contractors, general building contractor, and general engineering contractor. A Limited Liability Company since 1997.
Employees 1,001-5,000
Year of establishment 1997
Contact Eng. H...
Name a pioneer in the field of contracting services since the service began as a bull in the business world to become the company bearing her name, which flashed in the world of contracting, where he occupied a leading position to become the qualified and with the company and has extensive experience in this area, which would make them take it upon themselves to provide all what is new in the field of contracting to provide the necessary quality to any customer and efficiency, thanks to the continued success of the hard work of cadres and specialized expert, a cadre characterized by loyalty and dedication, managed to "M. Al Nahdi Contracting company," to win the confidence of its customers. Where it has devoted its efforts to provide services to individuals, institutions and businesses with high quality either innovation or development, in various construction and electrical contracting, communications, electromechanical and technical areas and is making its utmost to provide the best services and solutions appropriate and most convenience to our customers.
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Building Contractors
General Contractors
Commercial Contractors • General Building Contractor • General Engineering Contractor
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
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A contractor based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Managing Large size projects Nationally. Provides services including commercial contractors, general building contractor, and general engineering contractor. A Limited Liability Company since 1997.
Employees 1,001-5,000
Year of establishment 1997
Contact Eng. H...
Name a pioneer in the field of contracting services since the service began as a bull in the business world to become the company bearing her name, which flashed in the world of contracting, where he occupied a leading position to become the qualified and with the company and has extensive experience in this area, which would make them take it upon themselves to provide all what is new in the field of contracting to provide the necessary quality to any customer and efficiency, thanks to the continued success of the hard work of cadres and specialized expert, a cadre characterized by loyalty and dedication, managed to "M. Al Nahdi Contracting company," to win the confidence of its customers. Where it has devoted its efforts to provide services to individuals, institutions and businesses with high quality either innovation or development, in various construction and electrical contracting, communications, electromechanical and technical areas and is making its utmost to provide the best services and solutions appropriate and most convenience to our customers.
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Building Contractors
General Contractors
Commercial Contractors • General Building Contractor • General Engineering Contractor
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A contractor based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Managing Large size projects Nationally. Provides services including commercial contractors, general building contractor, and general engineering contractor. A Limited Liability Company since 1997.
Employees 1,001-5,000
Year of establishment 1997
Contact Eng. H...
Name a pioneer in the field of contracting services since the service began as a bull in the business world to become the company bearing her name, which flashed in the world of contracting, where he occupied a leading position to become the qualified and with the company and has extensive experience in this area, which would make them take it upon themselves to provide all what is new in the field of contracting to provide the necessary quality to any customer and efficiency, thanks to the continued success of the hard work of cadres and specialized expert, a cadre characterized by loyalty and dedication, managed to "M. Al Nahdi Contracting company," to win the confidence of its customers. Where it has devoted its efforts to provide services to individuals, institutions and businesses with high quality either innovation or development, in various construction and electrical contracting, communications, electromechanical and technical areas and is making its utmost to provide the best services and solutions appropriate and most convenience to our customers.
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Building Contractors
General Contractors
Commercial Contractors • General Building Contractor • General Engineering Contractor
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
No projects at this time
No projects at this time
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
5.07 km
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
5.07 km
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Eng. H...Project manager
Hussam...Asst. director of purchasing
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.