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A specialist business based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Providing industrial cleanup services, industrial waste management, and waste transportation services since 2004. Managing Medium to Large size projects Nationally.
Employees 501-1,000
Year of establishment 2004
WASCO is a market leading integrated recycling and waste management company. WASCO stands for Waste Collection & Recycling Co. Ltd. It is a subsidiary company established in 2004. The company is involved and specialized in the collection of waste paper and cartons, which are being sold to its sister company(MEPCO), the second largest paper mill in the MENA Region after Turkey’s Modern Carton industries using recovered paper as fiber raw material in manufacturing new products. WASCO present collection capability is over 400,000 tons per year, anticipating a growth up to 600,000 tons in the next five years. In addition to this WASCO collects the required materials from different sources such as landfills, shopping centers , markets, hospitals & import from outside KSA.
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
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A specialist business based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Providing industrial cleanup services, industrial waste management, and waste transportation services since 2004. Managing Medium to Large size projects Nationally.
Employees 501-1,000
Year of establishment 2004
WASCO is a market leading integrated recycling and waste management company. WASCO stands for Waste Collection & Recycling Co. Ltd. It is a subsidiary company established in 2004. The company is involved and specialized in the collection of waste paper and cartons, which are being sold to its sister company(MEPCO), the second largest paper mill in the MENA Region after Turkey’s Modern Carton industries using recovered paper as fiber raw material in manufacturing new products. WASCO present collection capability is over 400,000 tons per year, anticipating a growth up to 600,000 tons in the next five years. In addition to this WASCO collects the required materials from different sources such as landfills, shopping centers , markets, hospitals & import from outside KSA.
A specialist business based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Providing industrial cleanup services, industrial waste management, and waste transportation services since 2004. Managing Medium to Large size projects Nationally.
Employees 501-1,000
Year of establishment 2004
WASCO is a market leading integrated recycling and waste management company. WASCO stands for Waste Collection & Recycling Co. Ltd. It is a subsidiary company established in 2004. The company is involved and specialized in the collection of waste paper and cartons, which are being sold to its sister company(MEPCO), the second largest paper mill in the MENA Region after Turkey’s Modern Carton industries using recovered paper as fiber raw material in manufacturing new products. WASCO present collection capability is over 400,000 tons per year, anticipating a growth up to 600,000 tons in the next five years. In addition to this WASCO collects the required materials from different sources such as landfills, shopping centers , markets, hospitals & import from outside KSA.
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
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Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
25.81 km
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
25.81 km
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.