Saudi Arabian Trading and Construction Company - SATCO

Contractors , Specialists

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Year of establishment

In 1975, the Saudi Arabian Trading and Construction Company (SATCO) started its operations covering sectors in construction, landscaping, catering, airports support services and systems control. A few short years after its inception, SATCO witnessed the construction boom of Saudi Arabia and took full advantage by forming joint ventures with foreign companies. The growth in Saudi Arabia ended in 1985 and many of the companies in the region, including SATCO’s foreign partners, exited. SATCO reorganized by acquiring the JV’s assets and transferring their employees into divisions of SATCO. By effectively absorbing the foreign expertise and knowledge from its JVs, SATCO became an operating company.


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General Contractors
Landscaping Specialists

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Year of establishment

In 1975, the Saudi Arabian Trading and Construction Company (SATCO) started its operations covering sectors in construction, landscaping, catering, airports support services and systems control. A few short years after its inception, SATCO witnessed the construction boom of Saudi Arabia and took full advantage by forming joint ventures with foreign companies. The growth in Saudi Arabia ended in 1985 and many of the companies in the region, including SATCO’s foreign partners, exited. SATCO reorganized by acquiring the JV’s assets and transferring their employees into divisions of SATCO. By effectively absorbing the foreign expertise and knowledge from its JVs, SATCO became an operating company.


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General Contractors
Landscaping Specialists


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Year of establishment

In 1975, the Saudi Arabian Trading and Construction Company (SATCO) started its operations covering sectors in construction, landscaping, catering, airports support services and systems control. A few short years after its inception, SATCO witnessed the construction boom of Saudi Arabia and took full advantage by forming joint ventures with foreign companies. The growth in Saudi Arabia ended in 1985 and many of the companies in the region, including SATCO’s foreign partners, exited. SATCO reorganized by acquiring the JV’s assets and transferring their employees into divisions of SATCO. By effectively absorbing the foreign expertise and knowledge from its JVs, SATCO became an operating company.


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General Contractors
Landscaping Specialists

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Report a problem Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.


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Wadi Al Thumama Street - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Headquarters 841.08 km


Al Rayyan Street - Doha, Qatar
Office 1320.67 km

Madinah Road, Al Salama District - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Office 11.54 km

Jeddah Street - Al jubail, Saudi Arabia
Office 1210.63 km

Wadi Al Thumama Street - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Headquarters 841.08 km


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Report a problem Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.