Mohammed Ali Al swailem Group (MASCO) is a general contractor specialized in different field of construction that range from infrastructure to building, water, environmental and power projects.
MASCO was founded in 1984 by: Mohammed Ali ALswailem who had started his carrier in early 1950's as an employee in Arab American Oil Company (Aramco) which sharpen his talent and vision to establish in mid 1960s his own sole partnership corporation which was solely specializing in road construction. In 1970's His Corporation was one of the leading national companies participating in first a construction boom during 70's, building number of major highways and infrastructure projects across the Kingdom such as Qassim-Riyadh Highway. In 1984 the company was incorporated to be a Limited partnership to become full diversified construction company concentrating in Operation and maintenance services.
Diversified Activities
The company had been involved in the national industry field beside construction activities. MASCO had established water purification industry that covered most of areas of the Kingdom. Steel molds die industries, food processing and electrical and telecommunication cables industry were presenting MASCO major industrial activities.Masco industrial products were produced in according with Saudi standards as well as other industrial standards, health requirements and all related environmental standard requirement. MASCO currently has changed its legal status to joint stock company to be strong and stable in facing the current challenges facing family business in case of succession.
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