

ContraTek - Establishment

Contractors , Suppliers , Machinery

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Last updated about 2 months ago
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Translation missing: en.business_summary.suppliers

Year of establishment

We Undertake All kind of Asphalt Paving and milling Projects. We have team of expertise for building Portable Cabins for different purposes.


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Airport Machinery Canal Paver's • Crusher • Towable Back Hoes
Building Blocks & Bricks
Cables & Wires Fire Resistant Cables & Wires
Civil Work Contractors Airport Runways • Bridge Construction • Deep Excavations • Manholes
Concrete Machinery
Concrete Suppliers Architectural and Decorative Concrete
Construction Machinery
Construction Work Wear Safety Jackets & Tops • Work Trousers
Cranes & Lifting Equipment Loader Crane • Mobile Cranes • Rough Terrain Crane • Telescopic Crane
Door Handles and Fittings Cheap Door Handles
General Contractors Residential Projects
Lighting Tower
Manpower General Labor • Loaders & Unloaders • Skilled Labor workers
Working hours
Weekdays (Sunday - Friday)
Weekend (Sunday - Friday)

Need a quotation?

Post your project here to receive and compare quotations from several listed businesses.

Report a problem Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.


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Translation missing: en.business_summary.suppliers

Year of establishment

We Undertake All kind of Asphalt Paving and milling Projects. We have team of expertise for building Portable Cabins for different purposes.


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Airport Machinery Canal Paver's • Crusher • Towable Back Hoes
Building Blocks & Bricks
Cables & Wires Fire Resistant Cables & Wires
Civil Work Contractors Airport Runways • Bridge Construction • Deep Excavations • Manholes
Concrete Machinery
Concrete Suppliers Architectural and Decorative Concrete
Construction Machinery
Construction Work Wear Safety Jackets & Tops • Work Trousers
Cranes & Lifting Equipment Loader Crane • Mobile Cranes • Rough Terrain Crane • Telescopic Crane
Door Handles and Fittings Cheap Door Handles
General Contractors Residential Projects
Lighting Tower
Manpower General Labor • Loaders & Unloaders • Skilled Labor workers
Verified business
Business verified by Muqawiloon


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Translation missing: en.business_summary.suppliers

Year of establishment

We Undertake All kind of Asphalt Paving and milling Projects. We have team of expertise for building Portable Cabins for different purposes.


View all
Airport Machinery Canal Paver's • Crusher • Towable Back Hoes
Building Blocks & Bricks
Cables & Wires Fire Resistant Cables & Wires
Civil Work Contractors Airport Runways • Bridge Construction • Deep Excavations • Manholes
Concrete Machinery
Concrete Suppliers Architectural and Decorative Concrete
Construction Machinery
Construction Work Wear Safety Jackets & Tops • Work Trousers
Cranes & Lifting Equipment Loader Crane • Mobile Cranes • Rough Terrain Crane • Telescopic Crane
Door Handles and Fittings Cheap Door Handles
General Contractors Residential Projects
Lighting Tower
Manpower General Labor • Loaders & Unloaders • Skilled Labor workers
Working hours
Weekdays (Sunday - Friday)
Weekend (Sunday - Friday)

Need a quotation?

Post your project here to receive and compare quotations from several listed businesses.

Report a problem Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.


No projects at this time


No projects at this time


Prince Mutaib Bin Abdul Aziz Street - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 4.73 km


Prince Mutaib Bin Abdul Aziz Street - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 4.73 km


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Working hours
Weekdays (Sunday - Friday)
Weekend (Sunday - Friday)

Report a problem Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.