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A consultant providing 3d modelling services, brief development, and building design based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Managing Medium to Large size projects Regionally. A Business since 2009.
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Top 100 Muqawiloon Businesses
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Employees 2-10
Year of establishment 2009
Contact Khalid...
NU Development is a design+development firm based in Jeddah, KSA. Our core business is to select, invest in, develop, redevelop and manage real estate properties in Saudi Arabia. Founded in 2009 by partners Khaled Idriss (Jeddah, KSA; BArch - University of Southern California) and Morgan Haley (Los Angeles, CA; BArch - University of Southern California), NU strives to take advantage of their architectural design background and develop clear, creative solutions rooted in an understanding of the cultural, social and physical qualities unique to each project and its respective site.
Stemming from a diverse background, spanning from Los Angeles to Jeddah, NU approaches every project they encounter with a fresh perspective regardless of the scale – big or small, for rich or for poor. We believe that architecture should engage the user, and through the manipulation of light, material and volume, the experience and awareness of the built space can be amplified. NU is committed to raising the standard of construction and design within the Kingdom by providing our end-users with innovative, attractive, unique and well-planned developments for them to inhabit.
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Brief Development • Building Design • Planning Permissions • Project Management • Urban Design & Master-Planning
High Specification Luxury Homes
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Weekdays (Sunday - Thursday)
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
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A consultant providing 3d modelling services, brief development, and building design based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Managing Medium to Large size projects Regionally. A Business since 2009.
Interviewed by Muqawiloon
Top 100 Muqawiloon Businesses
Trusted Business
Verified by Owner
Employees 2-10
Year of establishment 2009
Contact Khalid...
NU Development is a design+development firm based in Jeddah, KSA. Our core business is to select, invest in, develop, redevelop and manage real estate properties in Saudi Arabia. Founded in 2009 by partners Khaled Idriss (Jeddah, KSA; BArch - University of Southern California) and Morgan Haley (Los Angeles, CA; BArch - University of Southern California), NU strives to take advantage of their architectural design background and develop clear, creative solutions rooted in an understanding of the cultural, social and physical qualities unique to each project and its respective site.
Stemming from a diverse background, spanning from Los Angeles to Jeddah, NU approaches every project they encounter with a fresh perspective regardless of the scale – big or small, for rich or for poor. We believe that architecture should engage the user, and through the manipulation of light, material and volume, the experience and awareness of the built space can be amplified. NU is committed to raising the standard of construction and design within the Kingdom by providing our end-users with innovative, attractive, unique and well-planned developments for them to inhabit.
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Brief Development • Building Design • Planning Permissions • Project Management • Urban Design & Master-Planning
High Specification Luxury Homes
Trusted business
Vetted and approved by Muqawiloon
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A consultant providing 3d modelling services, brief development, and building design based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Managing Medium to Large size projects Regionally. A Business since 2009.
Interviewed by Muqawiloon
Top 100 Muqawiloon Businesses
Trusted Business
Verified by Owner
Employees 2-10
Year of establishment 2009
Contact Khalid...
NU Development is a design+development firm based in Jeddah, KSA. Our core business is to select, invest in, develop, redevelop and manage real estate properties in Saudi Arabia. Founded in 2009 by partners Khaled Idriss (Jeddah, KSA; BArch - University of Southern California) and Morgan Haley (Los Angeles, CA; BArch - University of Southern California), NU strives to take advantage of their architectural design background and develop clear, creative solutions rooted in an understanding of the cultural, social and physical qualities unique to each project and its respective site.
Stemming from a diverse background, spanning from Los Angeles to Jeddah, NU approaches every project they encounter with a fresh perspective regardless of the scale – big or small, for rich or for poor. We believe that architecture should engage the user, and through the manipulation of light, material and volume, the experience and awareness of the built space can be amplified. NU is committed to raising the standard of construction and design within the Kingdom by providing our end-users with innovative, attractive, unique and well-planned developments for them to inhabit.
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Brief Development • Building Design • Planning Permissions • Project Management • Urban Design & Master-Planning
High Specification Luxury Homes
Working hours
Weekdays (Sunday - Thursday)
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
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Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
25.81 km
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Working hours
Weekdays (Sunday - Thursday)
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Muqawiloon data team manages this website to give public access to business information. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. We will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.
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